Impact in Improved Quality of Life
One of the main areas of our impact measurement is Quality of Life, and for 2021 it shows that the quality of life for Unicus employees was improved by 15%, from 5,52 (on slightly low scale) to 6,37 (on slightly high scale), an Impact we are proud of. This is an aggregated area of 8 questions that we ask our employees to measure Quality of Life in line with our impact strategy.
Below we have highlighted 2 areas in our survey on Quality of Life:
A key takeaway: “How satisfied are you with yourself?”

Here the results show that prior to joining Unicus, the average of Unicus employees answers were 4.7 (Unsatisfied scale) and 2021 results is 5.9 (slightly satisfied scale). This is an major improvement by 25,5% and has lifted our employees from unsatisfied scale to slightly satisfied scale.
Another key takeaway “How would you rate your Quality of Life?”

This is our employees’ own perception of what their quality of life is like (and should not be mixed with the results of the overall measurement on Quality of Life). Here the results show that their Quality of Life has been lifted by 22.7% from 5.3 (slightly low) from time prior to joining Unicus, up to 6.5 (slightly high/high) in 2021.