Impact Management - How we act on our Impact
Impact management is one of the main reasons why we measure our Impact, and is core in our way of running our strategic and daily business.
In our survey this year we found a area we would like to act on and manage our business. We see that several of our employees have areas of improvement when it comes to their sleeping pattern.
The survey showed that there has been a negative development in the sleeping pattern during the last year, compared to our baseline when starting in Unicus. Results in January was 5,9 compared to 5,98 in baseline. This means that the average numbers are OK, but that we can see that some individuals having a potential for improvement. The average of 5,9 puts us up to almost “occasionally” that is 6 on our scale and 5 is “sometimes”.

Therefore we will continue and initiate offers to our employees that are not happy with and want to try to improve their sleeping pattern.